Field Economic Analysis (FEA) based on increased production of existing reservoirs

Today, the average recovery rate for oil from oil fields on the Norwegian shelf is about 50%, and up to 70% for gas well. It is an objective that the recovery rate should be further increased.

However, there is a big difference between the fields in terms of recovery rate. This is due, among other things, to different types of reservoirs and geological conditions and various technical solutions.

About half of these require advanced methods, so-called “Enhanced Oil Recovery” (EOR), to be produced. BHO have a cooperative agreement with the Norwegian center for IOR and EOR studies and engineering support from experienced players and professionals in increased oil and gas extraction from mature or existing reservoirs.

In order for governing authorities and owners to be able to make sure that a country’s resources are fully utilized – Field Economic Analysis (FEA) can be used to analyse oil and gas reservoirs for the utilization of oil and gas resources – and makes sure that resources is sufficiently produced and satisfactorily utilized for the country’s and the population’s own good.

FEA is thus a tool for gaining an overview of a reservoir’s physical conditions and resources or remaining resources – and will provide a picture of the necessary technical measures and investment costs needed to maintain production volume and production efficiency over a reservoir’s lifetime. Blue Horizon Offshore (BHO) offers the following service so clients can get an overview of their own costs and control over their oil and gas resources.