Blue Horizon Offshore have the goal of environmental sustainability is to conserve natural resources and to reducing pollution and harm to the environment.

Our Steering system is based on ISO 9000, and our goals to preserve a god policy and a safe place within the company and at the Earth.

HSE Policy

BHO shall establish and maintain a safe work environment for all employees and consultants, and shall aim to avoid injury on personnel, pollution of the environment, and loss of material values in all our, or our customers’ operations.

Blue Horizon Offshore have the goal of environmental sustainability to protect the nature in all forms.

  • New technology embracing to reduce harm to environment.
  • Increased efficiency with the goal to stop pollution.
  • Climate change adaption.
  • Sustainable use and protection of water and marine resources.
  • Pollution prevention and control, and protection and restoration of biodiversity.
  • Be a responsible partner by protecting the environment.
  • We in our responsibility by setting a high standard.
  • Continuously work towards reducing the environmental footprint of our operations around the globe.

Blue Horizon Offshore (BHO) have the goal of Safety that; Safety above all else, If you cannot do it, don’t do it.

Blue Horizon Offshore shall in all our work follow the Authority and the HSE requirements in the Country or region we perform work. These shall be the guidelines not only for each of the individual but for people working with us, for us or working in the same area which can have influence in our work.

We are committed to stop any unsafe act, guide and report accordingly. The main requirement BHO shall follow and be inspirited of is Law on the working environment, working hours and employment etc. (working Environment Act).

BHO shall encourage us to work in a safe way no matter where the individual are representing Blue Horizon Offshore Pte Ltd.

Blue Horizon Offshore Pte Ltd website and any information is protected by and subject to International Copyright Law of Copyright. ALL Rights reserved. Reproduction without BHO’s permission strictly prohibited.

This website contains various information and is prepared by Blue Horizon Offshore Pte Ltd. The information contained herein derives from various sources. Blue Horizon has not verified the information and makes no representation as to the accuracy or truthfulness of the information. Although the information is believed to be accurate, Blue Horizon, as well as the directors, officers, and employees of the company, disclaims any and all liability for the contents of, or omission from, the document and for any written or oral communication relating to the document. but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, no representations or warranties are made as to the accuracy or completeness of any statements or estimates relating to this document. The document is based on information and statements that may be subject to risk or uncertainties. The information may also be subject to changes, supplements, or amendments without notice. The information has been prepared to assist the recipient and does not purport to include all information the recipient may require.

Blue Horizon Offshore Pte Ltd