Our Mission, Vision, and Values

At Blue Horizon Offshore Pte Ltd we have a mission that defines our core purpose and helps to direct our actions and activities. We have a vision that describes our view of the future and our place in it. Our values are a set of beliefs that guide our behaviour and help us to deliver our mission and realize our vision.

Our Goal and Mission

We create safer, efficient, cost saving operations and tasks. We embrace the future of new technology and cost savings.

A sustainable future shall guide us to care about environment and the health to people and our globe.

Our Vision

Be the recommended partner and supporter. Guided by our values, we shall strive to lead the way to deliver economic sustainability, deliver high quality work within our projects, focus on customer satisfaction, comply with laws, agreement, and a healthy environment for today, tomorrow and in the future.

Our Values

  • Safety above all else. If you can’t do it safe, don’t do it.

  • Respect. Be equal.  It’s common goal. Show we Care.

  • Well Proven, High Quality. Time change, so do we, embrace it.

  • Commitments. Connect and commit, Well Proven, High Quality.

  • Do the right thing. One chance, do it right, with integrity.

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Blue Horizon Offshore Pte Ltd